So here we are! April 4, 2011 and NO BABY! My parents got here safely and Sam is the happiest kid in town, he is really enjoying his time with them and so are they. I got an induction massage on Saturday, and started to get more consistent contractions. My mom and I went to the grocery store and I had a few really tough ones, but then they went away ... I thought for sure we'd be going to the hospital on Saturday night. Sunday we spent the day in the yard raking up the winter mess. Dan started feel sick Sunday afternoon and took a nap while my mom and I walked ... I think we walked for a total of 3 hours yesterday. During the walk I had some mild contractions ... but still NOTHING. I had my 40 week belley check this afternoon, I am still 2cm and now 75% effaced. I am scheduled for an induction on Monday, 4/11 if the baby doesn't come by then. We may get in early for the induction if there are other cancelations. But for now we we WAIT!
1 comment:
Can't wait to hear when baby Light makes his/her debut!
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