Family 2013

Family 2013

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feburary Visit from Uncle Jay.T

We always love it when Jay. T. comes to visit, especially now that he is an Uncle. Quite frankly, we don't see him enough ... but you would never know it with the bond he has with his nephew.
It is so funny how much I think Sam looks like my little brother ... when you see them side by side, they don't look anything alike. Maybe it's all in the mannerisms.
The weather was still very wintry ... but the boys were still out playing "hoop ball," the little guy wouldn't have it any other way. Sam got a kick out of watching the big guys play around a little. I think he learned a thing or two about the game.
Breakfast at the "Omelet Factory" As usual Sam, wouldn't eat. He did keep us entertained though.
Saying "cheese" with an apple in his mouth.
Dan's attempt at a self portrait with Sam ...
Kickin It in his new chair, a Christmas gift from cousin Asher.
"Snack Time" Sam's favorite time of the day.

"Date Night" Jay. T was the 3rd wheel - not really. But we did get a chance to go out without the entertainment of Sam. We started off with a margarita!

This is one happenin bunch.
On the timer ... 1, 2, 3 say cheese!
How did I get talked into a tequila shot ... those boys really do know how to peer pressure.
Lunch with Sam. Peanut Butter sandwich.
Time to brush our teeth ... Sam has it down.
Why do we always wait until the very last opportunity to get a family picture, there are always so many opportunities to get a picture when we don't look like we are walking zombies (I will speak for myself) - but NO, we wait till the last minute.

Hugs and Kisses for Uncle Jay.T.

Taking a walk in the neighborhood.
More "hoops ball" (basketball).
Sam really can't get enough of anything to do with balls, he takes them to bed with him.
Crashed out after a day of chasing Sam around. We had a nice visit, we always do. We look forward to the next time we see Uncle Jay.T. He will be back in April to run in the Boston Marathon, and hopefully will be able to stay for Sam's 2nd Birthday Party.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Especially for Uncle Jay. T

So I think I've gotten a little obsessed with updating the blog today. I have added a ton of videos to some of the previous posts ... so if you recently checked in, you may want to go back and check things out again - you may have missed some super cute video clips. The one I am posting here is by far the cutest one I have found and it is especially for Uncle Jay.T. We would talk to Jay.T on Skype while he was in Iraq for 6 months ... this along with endless stories to Sam about his Uncle and his bravery is why he is walking around the house saying "TEE TEE" ... Jay.T will be here in a week for a visit, and we can't wait.

Birthday Party Fun under the "Big Top"

We went to Jackson's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. It was at an arcade. It was the coolest thing, they had a whole section dedicated to the "lil guys" all sorts of fun and games. All of the kids were given tokens to have fun with, Sam used most of his on the carousel with Abe. Check out the video.

Sam would rather be riding the horses with Abe, but Daddy stole him away to ride on the motorcycles.
Daddy gets in on the fun too!

No pictures of the birthday boy ... Sam was too busy with the horses.

The Little Cutie Pie

In an attempt to make sure that I have posted all of the sweet little photos I have captured of my little man ... I stumbled across a few I think I may have missed. I just love this sweet little boy.

Playing hoops with his friends in the neighborhood - Abe and Robbie. We are all learning how to share.

Look out ladies ... 15 years from now there will be a lot of broken hearts in Hanover.
Halloween 2009 with his buddy Abe.
It's hard to remember his curly hair. Thank goodness for photos. Dan and I took Sam and his cousin Asher to the Children's museum in Boston. We had a ball.
On the fork lift ...
Crawling through tunnels ....
Just excited about being together.
Sam and I met up with some friends at the "Explorazone," can you believe the kid wanted to play in the balls ... I think it is an obsession.
Fixing his stool with his new tools.

My little handy man ... following in Daddy's footsteps.
I love this kid!

Take the Good with the Bad

So ... Sam got his first "not so good" daily sheet at school on February 9th. This is what was on his sheet.

Ms. Mimi writes: Sam had a good day. He had a bit of a difficult morning, and had to spend some time in the "purple" chair for saying no to Mimi when she asked him to sit down during circle. He had a great afternoon though, and did a great job at lunch.

He ate all of his little hummus sandwiches, black olives and applesauce.

*** The purple chair is the time out chair. He has been testing us at home (sometimes it is comical) but as far as I know this is the first time he has been "fresh" at school.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is it over yet?

I was going through my pictures and realized that I hadn't posted pictures of one of the bigger storms we've seen this year ... pictures courtesy of Jinny. Grandma and Grandpa (Light) were down for the weekend, must have been early December. We had a fun time in the snow (for like 15mins), Grandma got Sam all bundled up which probably took 30mins :) and he was ready to come in after 15mins. We had fun.
What a sweetie!
Mommy tries to coax Sam out into the snow.
Luke really enjoyed the snow - he romped all over the yard.
Shoveling and sledding.
Yes, that is Dan pulling me and Sam around the cul-de-sac. I am not sure I would call that a break from shoveling :)
Mom's turn to pull. She pulls around Sam and his buddy Zack.
Are we having fun yet?
Man, that was a pretty big storm.