It is time for Peter Cottontail ... Boy did that raise a load of questions in our house. Who is Peter Cottontail? Why? And the line of questioning went on for a good 1/2 hour. Some questions were even repeated at nauseum. But we love them and try to answer them all.
Sam is still very afraid of the Easter Bunny. When my parents were in town, we all went to the arcade in the mall - this happened to be the day that the Easter Bunny arrived too. My mom and I left my dad and Sam at the arcade so we could run into a few stores. When Pap and Sam came looking for us, Sam was pale white and shaking (totally exaggerating, but very nervous) and clutching onto his Pap. We had no idea why, until we all walked passed the Easter Bunny photo station ... it clicked. This little guy just about came unglued. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Dan and I took him when he was one and somewhat forced him onto the Easter Bunny - Are we bad parents?

Our very own Easter Bunny - Sammy Light

First "new" family photo

This little girl is very lucky to have Sam as a big brother. He is already so proud to be her big brother, I think he will always look after her and protect her.

So for the last couple of years Dan has dressed up like the Easter Bunny, he hides easter eggs in the yard for all the kids in the neighborhood. Even though Sam watched his daddy put on part of the costume, he was still very much afraid of him when he was all suited up. He was terrified that the Easter Bunny was in his house. See the picture above, he would not leave my side and when Dan came into the room to take a picture Sam couldn't even look at him.

Waiting for the Easter Bunny.

There he is.

The hunt is on. Sam got smart, he would shake the egg before he put it in his basket. Some were filled with stickers, he caught on fast. He was interested in the candy eggs and the ones filled with tokens for the arcade. I wasn't sure how to handle that one. He did get a few stickers though.

Alison does look a little uncomfortable. It looks like she is telling us all what she thinks about Easter, but look closer and it is the finger she will wear a ring on some day - a really long time from now.

Eggs. eggs everywhere.

Zach and Abe can't wait to get home to check out their eggs.


What you talking about.

Taking a bike ride after the Egg Hunt. Trying to have Sam burn off some of that candy.

Mr. Safety. He always wears his helmet and wants to be sure all his friends are safe too by wearing their helmets.

Steven and Lily stopped by after church.
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