Dan and I went to our good friends "Lauren and Jake's" wedding on the Cape in early October. This was a great opportunity for Sam to catch up with his cousins. Jen and Jeff spent the weekend on the Cape too. The boys had a good time together.

Uncle Jeff gave the boys a bath together on Friday night. Jeff took some very cute video footage of the boys playing together. I will see if I can get a hold of it and post it at the bottom.

I am sure Sam will be excited that I have posted a naked picture of him here.

Just being silly.

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - Sam's favorite show.

Uncle Jeff put Dora the Explorer on his iPhone for the boys. Sam asked to watch Dora for the next week. I can't find Dora ON DEMAND though.

Bohdi playing on the floor.

Checking out the big boys.

Such boys - can you see the sweat?
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