I am happy to say that I have been having too much fun to update the blog as much as I'd like, so I am playing catch up. This summer was busy, but super fun one. Here are some pictures of the fun things we have been doing.

Sam took a few private swim lessons with Kate (a college swimmer in town) this summer. If we are being honest, he did much better when I was in the pool with him, if I would get out he would turn into a super
whiney little boy. He has really gotten a lot better this year, he is kicking and scooping all over the place, still with some help from mommy or daddy though. I really hope he likes to swim as he gets older.

Sam's swim lessons were on Wednesday afternoons, shortly after his nap. So there were many times that I would have to wake him up, as you can see in this picture, he wasn't always very happy about that.

Dinners on the back porch - Sam's favorite place to eat. Many nights he would ask us if we could eat outside. YES, of course.

Another favorite - ICE CREAM. Sam can never eat it fast enough, so he ends up wearing it.

MOWING OUR BEAUTIFUL LAWN. Sam would check in with Dad on the weekend to see when he was going to mow. On most occasions, Sam would walk right along the side of him.

HELPING DAD. Sam took his entire kitchen set apart. I think he did it, just so he could help put it back together again.

HANGING OUT IN OUR UNDIES - inside the house of course. We had a few REALLY hot days, and Sam loved running around the house in his underwear.

Riding Zach's tractor. We ended up buying him his own Jeep closer to the end of the summer. This kid would get on the tractor and drive it in
circles for an hour, not sure how he didn't get dizzy.

I totally forgot, we bought him this motorized 4 wheeler before we found the Jeep. This is the
worlds SLOWEST motorized toy ... but he LOVED it. Still does. Best $11.97 we spent all summer. Thanks Target Clearance Rack!

Sam played with his friends on their
swing set whenever he'd get a chance. He loves to swing (only if mommy or daddy push him) and the slide ... he gets static electricity when he goes down the
Dehner slide. He is one happy kid.

SAFETY FIRST. Funny thing is, we can't convince him to wear his helmet if he is riding his scooter or one of the many motorized vehicles in the neighborhood. The helmet is reserved for BIKE RIDING only.
This is just a tidbit of FUN, I am sure I will come across more pictures later.
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