We spent Memorial Day weekend on the Cape. We had so much fun. It is always nice to get away from home on the weekend. You can leave dishes, laundry, and other projects behind, and have a guilt free weekend. There is nothing worse that feeling like you have to get and do this or that, when all you really want to do is play with Sam the Man ... Anyway, Dan's parents are wonderful, and we have a great time when we are there.

Sam helps Grandpa load up the bikes for the bike ride ... we are off to the Cape Cod Rail Trail (
CCRT). This is my favorite place to bike, the trail is paved and has minimal hills. I think we went 12 miles that day.

Dan and Sam have a pillow fight after the long bike ride.

My son is obsessed with horses. Here is one he can actually ride.

Sam, Grandpa and I played in the sprinklers.

Sam and Luke ... Sam wants Luke to play in the sprinklers too.

Nothing better that a milk shake after a long day of swimming, biking, kayaking or just lying on the beach. I think we accomplished all of the above that weekend.

Milkshake Mustache

Earlier this summer, we packed up and headed to
Duxbury Beach. Our first of many trips this summer. As you can see, I was the crazy mom that packed up the water table for the day. Thank goodness Dan trust me and my opinions, because he was the one lugging the gear onto the beach. Next year we will get the beach sticker to drive on.

Really, can he get any cuter?

Enjoying a snack before he
tackles the waves.

there is the water table, let me tell you, it kept him busy from 10 - 2 and made a lot of friends on the beach because of it.
We love the beach!
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