So my little brother turned 30 this last May 9th. His fiance Corrine threw a surprise birthday party to celebrate. We were not able to make it to the "Big Birthday Bash" due to a prior commitment I had. But I promised him that I would make a trip out to Virginia for a proper celebration in the summer. I made it there (by myself) at the end of July. I really thought I would have a hard time going solo (without the boys), this would be my first overnight(s) without Sam. It went better than I thought - I missed them both. Anyway, it gave my bro and I some long overdue "brother/sister bonding time." Some of the highlights from the extended weekend were rummaging through closets, purging and organizing ... and of course a Tim McGraw concert. We had a nice time. I really do enjoy the time I get with my brother. I wish we lived closer to each other. Here are some of the pictures of the weekend.