We had a nice weekend. Dan's aunt and uncle were in Boston (from Cali) for the weekend with their daughter Kristen (who by the way Sam loves). We had a nice time catching up with them at Jen and Jeff's house.

Dan relaxed as he caught up with his cousin and uncle.

Rich and Kristen

The Light Family. It's always nice to get us all in one picture. Jen will be having Baby #2 in May ... so the family will be getting bigger.

Sam found his favorite things at his cousins house ... balls and trash cans.

Sam loves to cook and clean - what boy doesn't :) I have been wanting to get him a kitchen set ... this is (was) a topic of debate in our household. I explained to Dan that our little guy loves to play in "the kitchen" everywhere we go ...
play dates, the museum, school. After the
explanation and 2 months, we picked up a mini kitchen set for Sam for Valentines Day.

All I can say is - HE LOVES IT!!!

Here is a collection of Valentines Sam
received from his classmates at school. Sam help me glue them to construction paper. I wish I could say Sam made (we all know I made them for Sam) homemade Valentines for his class mates. We cut out paper hearts and glued a small container of Play-
Doh to the heart and wrote the message "You are so much fun to "Play-
Doh" with Valentine! Your Pal, Sam.

He got $7 from his Grandma and Pap (
McGraw), he picked out a blue basketball at Toys R Us. He put the change in his piggy bank.

Sam made a Valentine for Dan and I.
To Mommy & Daddy: I love you in the morning. At noon time and at night. I love you when it's cloudy. And
when the sun is shining Bright. I love you when you are at work. And when together we can play. That's why I'' give you lots of hugs to wish you Happy Valentines Day. Love Sam
More goodies from Sam.

This picture doesn't do justice for the beautiful flowers I got from my #1 Valentine. Dan is such a sweetie. I got flowers and beautiful card. As for me, I dropped the ball this year. I could list off all the excuses, but Dan has already heard them all.

Last weekend, my little buddy and I baked cookies for school and work. We made heart shaped sugar cookies to share with all of our friends. How cute is Sam in his apron?

Who couldn't love this
smoochy little face?
Dan and Sam make my heart HAPPY ... Happy Valentines Day!
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