June was full of fun filled weekends ... here are a few random shots from the FUN. In JUNE our town has a festival that showcases all of the towns organizations including clubs,
churches and
restaurants. We have gone the last couple of years. Sam had a great time this year.

Sam sported his "if you think I am cute you should see my mom!" shirt ... what a sweet little guy already.

We take snacks everywhere we go ... apparently Sam is ready for one, as he digs through the snack bag while my head was turned.

Good Stuff!

First time Sam actually ate an apple, he started off
nibbling a little of mine, next thing you know the kid is
mauling the apple. Feels good on the teeth.

We enjoyed "Political Distinction" the kids next door are in a band - they can be heard on

And Sam is still eating!
After Hanover Days, we went to Will's 2
nd birthday party at "My Gym." Last year when Will turned 1 it was the first birthday party that Sam attended. Sam had a ball - no pun intended.

What is better than a bin filled with balls? Sam was in heaven.

So many balls, so little time.

Climbing - wow, didn't know he could do this either. Sam is constantly
surprising us. Cool.

Will - the birthday boy. He has grown so much in a year (you can check out pictures from last year)
http://babylightfamily.blogspot.com/2008/09/there-is-first-time-for-everything.html. His mom will be having another baby in a few months so he will be a big brother soon.

Can someone help me?
If there is a ball around, Sam is sure to find it. He wants it bad.

Sliding - once Sam discovered the climbing and stairs, we could keep him away.

Great attempt at getting a group picture with the birthday boy.
Later that same day, Sam and Abe shot some hoops in the

The next day we went to
Jamaica Plain to visit Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jen and Cousin Asher.

It is always so neat to see the boys together.
The boys sharing the match box cars ... While they play you hear
vrrooom vrrooom.

Asher's house is so fun ... so many cool new toys.

Interaction - who knows what they were talking about.
Ok, at some point in Sam's life he is going to kill me for taking these pictures - but his little bum is so cute that I couldn't resist. Naked Time rules.

It looks like he is posing - not sure if he knew I was chasing him around the house taking pictures. Don't you just want to squeeze it!

Sam's first time "skinny dipping" so much fun on a HOT day.

After a very eventful weekend, it is time to clean up the house. Sam is learning about chores at an early age, he already loves to
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