I love my job, more important - I really enjoy the people I work with. Every year the Training Team does a softball game at a local park and everyone chips in for a BBQ. This a great way for all of us to get together with
each other and get all the families together too. This year the tradition changed - not
intentionally - but, when it came time to play softball, we realized that nobody brought the equipment, so we ended up playing kickball. We had a lot of fun. In case I haven't written this in previous post ... my son is such a BOY, he had a blast playing ball. Enjoy the pictures below.

Happy kid - ready to play some ball.

Did I say happy - I meant silly.

2008 was a busy year for the training department ... lots of baby BOYS born. Sam is the oldest and by far the biggest.

Sam and mommy pigging out before the big game.

Picking teams.

First Base coach - he was cracking everybody up.

Batter up ... no need for helmets when you are kicking a soccer ball - that's not stopping Sam though.

Touch guy - anything that can be thrown - is thrown and becomes a
baaaa (Sam's word for ball). Did I tell you his first word aside from mama and
dada was BALL - it was
probably the first word he actually knew the meaning of. Again, what a little BOY.

He managed to get it on.

Check out that little

The girls are already going crazy over it.

Sam hanging out with Tina and Jim.

Go over the next plays.

Is he
pretenting to be the "Green Monster" I think we are getting close to cranky time.

He just didn't want to stop that day, we spent the rest of the afternoon out side chasing balls and playing in the wagon. If the sun is out, you know where to find Sam - outside!

What a sweetie - I couldn't resist taking these sweet pictures and could help but post them here. Isn't he so precious. I will end the post with them.
This kid cracks us up ... never a dull moment when Sam is around.
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