Wow, FIVE YEARS. You know what they say, "time flies when you're having fun." I planned the anniversary celebrations this year, Dan & I try to rotate years. Did you know the 5 year gift is "wood?" Well, we took a trip up to
Ogunquit, MN this year and stayed at a same Hotel on a nice quiet street. We had a good time. I think Sam was feeling a little under the weather, but he was a trooper.

Good way to start the day, breakfast on the porch. We had beautiful weather on Saturday and it allowed us to get out and explore.

Funny guy!

This is certainly not the first time Sam has had ice cream, however, it is the first time he took a nose dive into the ice cream cone. That's my boy!

Dive in!
Ogunquit is breathtaking. I think Sam is recovering from brain freeze in this picture.

Ready for the walk on "Marginal Way," a nice walk along the
Ogunquit coast, I think it was like 2 miles long.

Our little guy isn't so little anymore. Mom and Dad have to take turns on the shoulders. Now that he is mobile we try to let him out of the stroller as much as possible, but he wasn't feeling up to walking - He could be cutting teeth (I feel like that is always the excuse, the kid has had the same 6 teeth for like the last 3 months).

What a sweetie! I think he was trying to take a nap on my nappy head. It had to have been sticky with the gallon of hairspray I wear every day :)


It is unusual to see Sam so sleepy.

pimpin his stroller. I think the little guy slept most of the day. He
definitely wasn't himself.

Stopped at the beach to soak in a few rays.

Cranky Pants! Poor guy!

We took a Harbor Cruise on Saturday evening and Sam fell asleep before we left the Harbor.

Mr Cuddles!

View from the boat.

The next morning Sam woke up and seemed to be feeling better. That's more like it! The weather was crummy though. It poured rain for the entire day...we took a ride up to
Kennybunkport and did some sightseeing from the car.

We had a nice time and we will
definitely go back. Our little Maine adventure was the weekend before our actual anniversary. June 19
th was a Friday. I called and asked Ben (Dan's boss) if Dan could have the day off (Dan had no clue I was doing any of this)... he said yes! So I planned a day full of a fun activities for us both to do (Sam would still go to school). Plan A became Plan B and then I finally settled for Plan C. It rained on and off all day, so we ended up going to the movies and saw
Hangover. Then as
unfun as it may sound we ran
errands, we were able to get a lot of stuff done and had a good time doing it. We had lunch at one of our favorite Mexican food
restaurants in the area "
Salsas." Shortly after that Dan picked up Sam at school while I packed up the car for the last surprise of the day. We went to the Cape where Dan's parents took care of Sam. We ended our anniversary at the Captain Linell House (place where our reception was 5 years ago), we had such a nice time. All I have to say is that Dan has big shoes to fill next year.

The Captain Linell House

We actually shared both meals. Pork
Tenderloin as seen here ...

and Prime Rib ... I know we are dorks for taking pictures. Both were out of this world good and we had leftovers.

We had such a nice time and a wonderful day together. We love our time with Sam, but as many people say, you have to make time for each other. We did, and it was nice!