We just got back from our Arizona Christmas. Sam spent his "first" Christmas with his Grandma and Pap. We had such a nice time. It was nice to have my parents around to love all over and babysit Sam. Dan and I were able to get out to dinner and a movie a few times (Four Christmas' & Marley and Me), we even made to a Phoenix Suns game (one of our favorite things to do). My mom had an "Open House" for Sam, it was nice to show off our little guy and see people I haven't seen in a long time. It was nice to have Christmas "
McGraw" style, we laid around the house, ate, watched Sam open presents, ate some more, watched Sam open more presents ... nice and relaxing. Before we knew it it was time to leave - our visit flew by. Take a look at some of the pictures - They tell the story best.
I love riding on airplanes - mom packed cool toys to keep me busy.

Taking a break with dad - nothing like a good book and drink of H2O

I crack myself up.

Mom and Dad get a date night - GO SUNS!!!

Practicing Christmas photo poses

Gosh, it's warm here and I love
nakie time

Hanging with Pap!

Grandmas sweet boy!

Sam and Pap wait for the guest to arrive

Sam's latest girlfriend - Emily ... looks like Mom approves

Crazy Sam, enjoying all of his new friends ... he is quite the entertainer!

King of the House!

Visit with Santa at
Metrocenter Mall
Stttretch - this will be so much easier when I can crawl (
anyday now)

Busy little boy gets tired and takes a nap with Grandma

Go BROWNS!!! Pap is already trying to get Sam on his side.

Hanging with Paula - she's pretty cool!

Say Cheese on Christmas eve

Sam is worried that if he
doesn't get to bed soon, Santa may pass up Grandma and Pap's house.

Our little "Christmas Cutie"

Sam gets to meet Ken

Singing Christmas carols or just reading a good book?

Not sure what Sam liked most, all the gifts or the wrapping paper?

My day ROCKS!!!
preppie guy dancing with his Grandma

Taking in a swing and
Cortez Park

I think I like it?

Family photo opp and the Park

Look at those thighs - He is making his uncle proud!

Taking a bath at Grandma's and Pap - they have the coolest tub toys

Bye Grandma and Pap - I can't wait to see you again ... VERY SOON!
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