Family 2013

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What do you love the most about being a mom?
It is funny, I have been a mom for 8 months now and I have never thought about what I love the most about it. When we were home for Christmas in AZ, my friend Paula asked, "What do you love the most about being a mom?" I was taken back and speechless when it came to answering the question. There are so many things I love about it, so many that I can't even put them into words. So after a while of thinking it over, I guess it comes down to one thing. Each day I wake up and I get to see Sams sweet, innocent, precious little face. He has brought so much joy to my life and every night I go to bed I can't wait to wake up the next day to see my little guy and witness all the things he will do and discover. Being a mom has been life changing in a way I couldn't even begin to understand before I became a mom.
This is what I love the most - need I say more.

Sam feels SNOW on New Years Eve
Apparently when we were in Sunny AZ for Christmas, the Boston area got hit with a ton of snow, we were told that our area got 20+ inches - not sorry I missed that!!! Anyway, we got hit again today, it has been snowing all day long - when all is said and done, I think this storm will have an accumulation of about 8 inches. Anyway, my point is, this is the first snow we have actually taken Sam out into ... he has seen snow from the window, but this is the first time he has actually been outside. We don't really have anything snow resistant that he can wear, so it makes it hard to just plop him down in it. I am sure there will be more storms and more snow - maybe we will let him play in it next time.
We are on our way over to the neighbors to celebrate the New Year ... it is so nice to have friends that live right across the street. Our neighbors have 3 boys, their youngest Robbie is a couple of weeks younger than Sam.

Sam and Robbie ready to party down on New Years Eve
Monday, December 29, 2008
All I want for Christmas is my two front bottom teeth
The day we flew out to Arizona (12/18/08) the little white buds on the lower 1/2 of Sam's mouth broke through. Our little boy flew for the first time and got his two bottom teeth on the same day. He was a saint, he had no problems flying. I went into the situation totally prepared, I packed his carry on bag with baby oragel (of course) and baby Tylenol, for the teeth. As far as his ears popping during flight I had pacifiers, a bottle for water, a sippie cup, puffs to chew on, etc ... he ended up nursing at take off and landing and no issues. The bag that I lugged with us and fully loaded for any unexpected event and our little guy was an angel - no crying, whining, fussing. He was Mr. Social butterfly and curious about everything that was going on. He continues to make his parents proud. Thank you Sam!!
Arizona Christmas
We just got back from our Arizona Christmas. Sam spent his "first" Christmas with his Grandma and Pap. We had such a nice time. It was nice to have my parents around to love all over and babysit Sam. Dan and I were able to get out to dinner and a movie a few times (Four Christmas' & Marley and Me), we even made to a Phoenix Suns game (one of our favorite things to do). My mom had an "Open House" for Sam, it was nice to show off our little guy and see people I haven't seen in a long time. It was nice to have Christmas "McGraw" style, we laid around the house, ate, watched Sam open presents, ate some more, watched Sam open more presents ... nice and relaxing. Before we knew it it was time to leave - our visit flew by. Take a look at some of the pictures - They tell the story best.
I love riding on airplanes - mom packed cool toys to keep me busy.
Taking a break with dad - nothing like a good book and drink of H2O
I crack myself up.
Mom and Dad get a date night - GO SUNS!!!
Practicing Christmas photo poses
Gosh, it's warm here and I love nakie time
Hanging with Pap!
Grandmas sweet boy!
Sam and Pap wait for the guest to arrive
Sam's latest girlfriend - Emily ... looks like Mom approves
Crazy Sam, enjoying all of his new friends ... he is quite the entertainer!
King of the House!
Visit with Santa at Metrocenter Mall
Stttretch - this will be so much easier when I can crawl (anyday now)
Busy little boy gets tired and takes a nap with Grandma
Go BROWNS!!! Pap is already trying to get Sam on his side.
Hanging with Paula - she's pretty cool!
Say Cheese on Christmas eve
Sam is worried that if he doesn't get to bed soon, Santa may pass up Grandma and Pap's house.

Monday, December 8, 2008
Lunch with Aunt Jen and Asher
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving (11/26) Jen and I took the boys into Boston for the afternoon. It was Sam's first time on the T (Subway in Boston). He did a great job. I think I was more excited about it than Sam was. Jen and I got lunch at California Pizza Kitchen (yummy) and fed the boys. I thought Sam might be ready to move to 3 solid food meals a day, so I fed him lunch at the restaurant - he did fine for an hour or so and then as we were shopping he spit up ... needless to say Sam is back to just breakfast and dinner at this point. We had a nice time together. The boys are starting to notice each other now, it is fun to see them together.
Riding the T with cousin Asher!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Don't ever forget this moment
For all the mom's out there ... I am always hearing enjoy this time while they are little it goes by so fast. I want to freeze time. I spend the time I am nursing Sam chanting to myself "don't forget this moment"- it's hard to believe that his tiny newborn baby days are ancient history - he has been so wonderful and is everything I could have every dreamed of. I never thought that someone so little could effect me this way. I thank God for him every single day.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Look out World - Here comes Sam!!!
Sam is scooting all over the place. Between scooting, rolling, dancing, pivoting and dragging Sam gets to where he wants to go - still no crawling though. Daycare sends home a sheet each day with Sam and they write a note about something Sam has done ... and typically it is something along the lines of Sam telling stories, Sam laughing, happy Sam ... you get the point. Well this week each day had something about him getting around the room, one day he tried to pull himself up on the toy shelves - one thing at a time son, lets work on the crawling before the standing/walking. This little guy is a busy body, he goes a mile a minute with the legs, hands and mouth. He is also doing the grunting thing where he grunts at the time he kicks his legs and arms down and has a very serious (I mean business) face. He is so sticking adorable and such a BOY.
Sam hanging with his daddy ... he loves being on Dan's shoulders.
The boys are ready for the "Taco Soup" party (11/15).
When we give Sam his daily vitamin he always seems to get it on his face and it looks like a mustache. Sam is such a good little eater ... the only thing he is not thrilled about is peas (I don't blame him - I hate peas). He is eating banana, avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, peaches, pears, prunes (fun times) and he is trying carrots next.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
We have so much to be thankful for this year. We have our beautiful baby boy Sam, he has been such a blessing and each day he fills our life with joy and happiness. We also have wonderful families and friends whom we wouldn't have made it through this last year without. Thank you Mom and Dad for coming out to stay with us for so long after Sam was born. Thank you Don and Jinny for your hours spent helping Dan with the house. Let's not forget our lovely home that is new to us this year and the wonderful neighborhood we moved into, Dan and I have jobs we don't mind going to each day.
This year we spent Thanksgiving with Dan's parents and our good friend Amy, we had a wonderful dinner and great company for Sam's first Thanksgiving. We started our day with an "out of this world" breakfast for Dan and myself and then the 3 of us plopped down in front of the TV to watch some of the Macy's Day Parade. Once we got dinner in the oven we tore through the "Black Friday" ads and started making a shopping list for the following day. Jinny and I got an early start (nothing crazy - we left the house at 8am) we were able to get everything we were looking for and Sam slept through most of it. I think he will do just fine as a shopping buddy, he doesn't give much lip. I have already started the training.
Sam with his Mom, Dad, Grandpa Don and Grandma Jinny on Thanksgiving.
A happy family with a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.
This year we spent Thanksgiving with Dan's parents and our good friend Amy, we had a wonderful dinner and great company for Sam's first Thanksgiving. We started our day with an "out of this world" breakfast for Dan and myself and then the 3 of us plopped down in front of the TV to watch some of the Macy's Day Parade. Once we got dinner in the oven we tore through the "Black Friday" ads and started making a shopping list for the following day. Jinny and I got an early start (nothing crazy - we left the house at 8am) we were able to get everything we were looking for and Sam slept through most of it. I think he will do just fine as a shopping buddy, he doesn't give much lip. I have already started the training.

We look forward to spending Sam's first Christmas in Arizona with his Grandma and Grandpa - Just a few weeks left!!! Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, let the AZ visit countdown begin.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Welcome Home Uncle Jay.T
My brother surprised us with an earlier than expected return from his latest tour of duty in Iraq. We are so happy to know he is home (Virginia Beach), safe and sound. We are getting anxious to see him, and share Sam with him. I can't wait for him to meet Sam. Sam has so much to share with him ... he can show his uncle how well he can sit, roll, talk, eat, and share a laugh or two. WELCOME HOME BUB!!! - Can't wait to see your fat head.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Do you ever wonder what you would have looked like?
My friend Anna found a website where you can download a picture of yourself and create a picture of what you would look like in that era. Thank you Anna for a good laugh!!!
This is what Sam would have looked like if he was girl in 1970...It's a good thing he is a boy!
Take a look at Sam in 1952. He kind of looks like his Great Grandpa Sutherland - Sam (it is who is named after).
You could make your own too! Email the results to me!
This is what Sam would have looked like if he was girl in 1970...It's a good thing he is a boy!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Rainy Day Schedule
Rainy day schedules were one of my favorite days in elementary school - Being in Arizona, it didn't happen that often, but on the days that it rained we couldn't go to the playground for recess, we would stay in the classroom and play and I remember I loved it! Well, today Sam and I had rainy day schedule. I got a call yesterday that Sam had a temperature of 102.6 (yikes!), so Dan rushed out of work to go pick him up - our little guy was as happy as clam with his little rosey red cheeks. He was not able to go to school today (because of the temperature), so I got to take today off and play with Sam ... it is a rainy day and Sam still has his rosey red cheeks and big smile on his face. I think the little man is going to pop out a few teeth pretty soon. Stay Tuned!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Photo Shoot !!!
OK, so I am trying to be ahead of the game. We took Sam out into the yard today in attempts to get a picture with him and Luke for the Christmas card. Here is how it turned out.
The baby pumpkin in the picture above was Sam's first art project at school ... Ms. Diana said Sam had a blast painting his pumpkin.
Isn't he just precious ... I think we will try another photo shoot, we would really like to get a nice shot with Sam and Luke - we will see if they can both cooperate at the same time.
Isn't he just precious ... I think we will try another photo shoot, we would really like to get a nice shot with Sam and Luke - we will see if they can both cooperate at the same time.
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