When Sam was this age (about 4 months) we took him to Martha's Vineyard for the day. Dan and I had such a nice time with Ali. Sam stayed with Grandma and Grandpa on the Cape for the day. Everybody had a nice time.
We had quite the adventure trying to get the ferry to the Vineyard, a 45 minute drive ended up taking us 4 hours, but it was worth it and I am glad we didn't give up. It was nice to have Ali all to ourselves for the day.

Yeah, we made the 12:00 ferry, we set out to make the 9:00 ferry. Better late than never. Thank goodness the 12:00 was running late - that never happens.

Ali gets a snack before we get to Martha's Vineyard.

This little girl has a finger fetish.

Getting ready to disembark ... Ali gets excited. She had a
paparazzi checking her out! She is such a sweetie. Always so smiley.

Check out the outfit. Pap and
Dahma got that for her when she was born. Matching shoes and all. What a girl!

Ali still spits up quite a bit. So she has to wear bibs everywhere we go, so she
doesn't ruin her outfit. The is nothing cute about soggy, spit up smelling clothes.

Little Miss. Thing took a nap through most of our lunch (Mexican Food on the Vineyard - just
doesn't sound right, but it was Yummy). She woke up HAPPY and was showing off her chunky little thighs to anybody that would look.

Playing in park in Oak Bluffs.

Hanging on dock with Daddy in

Snack time again.

Attempt for self portraits ... apparently the sun was in Ali's eyes.

Take two ... with sunglasses on all. Not so good. A for Effort.

Attempt 3, in the park, laying down. Not so good for Mommy's face.

Taking the ferry home after a fun day on the Vineyard.

Getting cozy with mom on the ferry.
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