Dan and I are trying to get the first floor of our house finished before the summer (right now it seems like it will never be warm again). So, Dan's dad came up from the Cape to help Dan get some of the bigger projects done and get us closer to being done with the first floor. Anyway, it is never fun being in the house while all the work is being done and it really isn't the most safe place for a baby who is crawling all over the place. The weather has been so crappy here so Sam and I couldn't spend the day out and about. So Sam and I took a trip to Arizona to visit Grandma and Pap. We will be experiencing a true "While You Were Out."
The weather in Arizona was perfect and so was the trip. I was anxious about flying by myself with Sam. But yet again, my little guy was an angel, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Check out some of the pictures from our visit.

This chair was my dad's when he was a kid. My brother and I used it when were kids too. My parents had it reupolstered and now Sam is using it.

We spent a couple hours in Glendale at the Choclate Affair that hadn't open to the public yet. So Sam, Grandma & I had a mini picnic. Sam LOVED being in the sun, he wasn't too sure about the grass though - he stayed on the blanket.

We had a BLAST!

Sam & Grandma - just chillin in the park!

We did make it back to the Chocolate Affair later that day. Sam looks like he is in a chocolate coma - no he did have chocolate. We all enjoyed walking around the park and checking out all of the Chocolate vendors, we ended the evening listening to a local band.

The next day Sam, Grandma & I took an adventure. We took the "Light Rail" (new to Phoenix) to Tempe (Mill Ave.)

Sam is ready to go - ticket in hand!

Stopped for lunch at PF Changs.

Grandma washing Sam's hands after a messy lunch - Grandma is not a big fan of the baby wipes, she says it's more fun to play in the water. Sam loved it!

Sam and Grandma's first time at the Changers!

Sam visits my old stomping grounds Mill Ave. - Aww, the memories.

Sam enjoys Grandma.

He is such a cutie - who could resist those big beautiful blue eyes and those smooshy checks.

Waiting for the rail - time to head home. Sam is nice and coozy, taking a nap on Grandma.

We all wait!

Sam makes new friends everywhere he goes - Mr. Social Butterfly, it's ironic that that is what they called me too.

How did that get there?

Sam met more of the family this visit. He loved playing with his cousin Austin (Missy's (my cousins) son). I think we spent most of the visit rolling the ball back and forth.

Getting ready for bath time is fun at Grandma's house - we get to roll around on the bed as we get undressed.

No more pants -

There goes the socks.

Sam put on a modeling show for us - Grandma bought him new shirts and insisited he try them all on so she could see how beautiful his big blue looked in them.

Abercrombie and Fitch llok out!

Sam enjoys eating dinner with Pap, because Pap can make funnier faces than him.

The ride home ... he was such a great boy on the flights - and we had a lot of them.

What are you looking at?

Enjoying the view.
Our visit wasn't that long, just an extended weekend. But it was so nice to be able to suprise my parents and spend the weekend with them. We were busy every minute of it too.
Stay tuned - I will post updated pictures of the house so you can see what Dan and his dad got done while Sam and I were out.
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