We went to Jackson Booker's 2nd birthday party, we forgot the camera at home. But here are some shots of the after party.

Sam and his Dad are laughing their heads off.

I guess you had to be there!

Sam shows his Mom how to blow the train whistle.

Sam makes his way around the room, visiting each of his toys. He is not really into toys though. He would much rather get into things he shouldn't like remotes, phones, plants ... etc. He really enjoys his books too!

The busy ball popper is the latest "favorite." It's funny because when I first brought it out for him, he was terrified of it. We would turn it on and he would crawl into my lap. He loves it now.

Sam enjoys puzzles too. He got one his first one from Judy Legg when we were visiting in Arizona. He carries the pieces around the house with him.

Mohawk Dude! Sam took his first nose dive in the bath tub and when we pulled him up he had a mohawk - totally picture worthy.

What a sweetie.

Feb 22nd - We spent the day at the Cape with Grandma and Grandpa. We all had a fun time crawling around the floor playing with Sam.

Grandma taking some pictures of Sam.

Sam tells his Grandma that it is her turn to be in a picture. Who could say no to that face.

With all that sweet talking ...

Grandma gives Sam a lesson.

Hammin it up for the camera - Sam blows kisses.

After that long photo shoot with Grandma, Sam needs a nap!

Bed Head!

Time to head home. We had a fun day.

Always time for one more photo.
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