Sam had his 9 month check up, he is doing great. Here are his stats he weighed in at 22 lbs 10 oz (78
th percentile) and was 29 3/4 long (83rd percentile). No shots!!! Yeah. Sam is a happy little boy. He is crawling all over the place and enjoying new foods each week. The doctor said we could start to introduce more solid (real solid) food.
Yah!! That should be fun. Here are a few pictures from this week.

Hanging with his buddy Sawyer.

Having a great time, learning how to pull himself up.

The boys being silly.

So I am cute! What can I say?

Were done already - Are you kidding me?

Fun in the tub!
Squeezing in snuggle time with her puppy after the bath.

New words every day. Sam is babbling in sentences, he has so much to say.

So we are baby proofed - we think? Each day Sam discovers something we haven't thought of - I think we will continue to baby proof. Sam and Luke have become buddies and hates to be
separated. Mom thinks it's easier this way - most of the time.

MORE SNOW!!! I actually took Sam outside and let him play with it. He still isn't sure what to think. Don't look so worried Sam.
That is a lot of snow! The plow guy dumps all of the snow from the
de-sac in our yard. Isn't that cool.

Not sure about this.

Making snow balls with Mommy is fun!

Sam is more fun every day. He really has a personality and is super fun to be around.
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