The last couple of nights Dan and I have gotten less sleep than we did when we first brought Sam home. We are trying to get him to sleep through the night again (it was wonderful when he used to sleep 10 - 12 hours at a time), so we have decided to try and eliminate his nighttime feeding, in the hopes that would keep him from waking up. Well it has been a douzy the last couple of nights, we have been up with him from 11:45 - 3:00 for the last few nights - this is making the newborn stuff look easy. So needless to say, we didn't make it apple picking yesterday - Sam's morning nap was off kilter and I had a hair cut in the morning - our schedules really never came together at the right time. Anyway, no big deal. We ended up playing around the house and in the yard. We have wonderful friends - Ben and Victoria who have 3 little ones of their own ... they have passed along a lot of cool toys to Sam. The latest toy you will see below. Sam had a fun time cruising along in the driveway yesterday. This kid is so darn cute even if he keeps us up 1/2 the night.

It will be worth it- really! We did this with Caroline a few weeks ago, and after a couple of crumby nights, we've been sleeping though the night pretty much every night since :) You guys are looking so cute and happy. Hope we're still on for a walk on Wed!
Wow- photos and videos and everything! You are a blogging pro, Amanda!
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