Yesterday when my cell phone rang and saw that I was getting a call from Hawaii you can imagine my surprise when I heard my brothers voice. As many of you know, my brother Jay.T is an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician for the US Navy and is serving his 2nd tour of duty in Iraq right now - he will be returning home in early December. Come to find out he really wasn't in Hawaii, the call must have come through an operator in Hawaii from Iraq - as much as I wish my brother was relaxing by the beach in Hawaii - he is happy to be serving his country in Iraq. We had a great conversation ... I updated him on all the cute little things his nephew is doing these days and we spent some time chatting about the upcoming election (Go Macain/Palin). The most important thing is that is doing well.
Jay.T was going through a lot of extensive trainings when Sam was born and wasn't able to meet him before he left for Iraq. We talk to Sam about Jay.T every day and he is in our prayers each night before Sam goes to bed. So Sam is aware what an amazing, selfless, hardworking hero he has for an uncle and can't wait to meet him at Christmas when he gets home.
Here are a few pictures Sam has posed for to show his support for his brave uncle.
Only a few more months and Sam with be posing with his uncle. We are counting the days.