It has been awhile since I have given a good update.
Today I took Sam for his annual kidney check up, and as expected everything is great! His kidneys are the size they should be at 3 1/2 years old. He weighed in at 42.6 (94%) and was 41 inches tall (97%). He is a HEALTHY, HAPPY boy and BIG boy. He will start seeing Dr. Somers every two years for now. We had a nice morning together. After we dropped sis off at school we made a special stop at Dunkin Donuts. I told him he could order whatever he wanted, he got a jug of milk and 10 chocolate munchkins. After he ate ALL of them he had a tummy ache, he told me the next time we go to Dunkin Donuts that he would only get 5 donuts so that is tummy won't hurt. I explained that sometimes we have to learn the hard way. It is so nice to have one on one time with him. He is growing up so fast and he is SO SMART. He can recited his ABC's, he can also recognize all 26 letters. In fact, when we were in the doctors office waiting, he was reading the letters off of the signs to me, as he would spell out the word he would name a word that the letter started with. I was SO IMPRESSED. He is also already doing simple math, when I was giving him a bath the other night, he told me 3 and 2 makes 5. He asked me to put my hands up and he told me 6 and 6 makes 12. It totally blew me away! He is so SMART. He practices all the time. I think he is going to be a kid that likes school. We can only hope. Another cute story from the last couple of weeks is when I went out with some girlfriends for mani/pedis. He really wanted to go with me, it is funny when I have to get him out the door to run errands he hesitates, but when I am going out without him, he begs to go with me. Anyway, the next morning when I woke him up the first thing he said to me was "let me see your finger nails mommy, what color are they?" He decided that he would like to have his nails painted too. After I tried to explain to him that girls get their nails painted, he did not care and wanted his done too. So, as expected I got 2 fingernails painted he wanted it off immediately and has not asked again to have them done.

As for our little lady, she is a tough little cookie. I think we have also thought that. She got her first bruise at school the other day. She was trying to pull herself up on a shelf and slipped in the process, she looks like a little bruiser - of course the bruise is under he eye. She is definately keeping us on our toes, not only is she tough, she is busy busy busy ... did I say busy. Babyproofing here we come! Sam is becoming more and more brotherly every day, he helps us out when it comes to keeping an eye on her and what is going into her mouth (which is everything these days) He is happy to keep us informed if she is doing something she shouldn't be. Boy, she is going to love that as she gets older. It is so fun to see the two of them interacting more. Sam doesn't get "as" upset when she tries to go for his toys. They get along pretty good, as good as a 3 1/2 and 7 month can. It makes me so happy to know that they have eachother. We recently started giving them baths together. They both absolutely LOVE it.
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