Memorial Day is such a fun event in Hanover! For the last couple of years we have gone to the Pancake Breakfast - Yummy! And then we enjoy the parade with all of the cul-de-sac crew!
Family 2013

Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Having FUN as the weather gets warmer!
What a character! Sam is really into dressing up. As you can see from earlier posts, he loves to play dress up with his Dahma.

I just love how alert she is.

We all waited at the finish line for him.
There he goes, I think he finished at 55:09. I am so proud of him.
Lisa finishes right behind him.

Way to go!
The Jones girls came over for the afternoon ... we painted rocks, played in the water table, rode bikes/scooters, played hoops ... you name it.

I love this little dress on Ali. Why do you look so worried Sis?
It makes me happy when I think that I can chew on those chubby thighs whenever I want to.

This girl has no BUM.
Again with the dress up - this is a different day. I think he was watching the same show though. That is another thing that has changed in our house since Ali ... Sam watches more TV than he ever did. It's funny how standards change as kids get older and more come along. The TV has been my savior the last couple of weeks. I try not to feel too guilty about it.

cleaning out my cell phone
Yes, I am a member of the "mamaratzi" I am not as bad as I used to be. CAMERA: Don't leave home with out it. I guess I am afraid I am going to miss something cute (heaven forbid). Believe it or not there are times that I forget to take my camera with me ... for a minute I panic and then I remember that I have a camera on my phone and quite frankly it takes a more clear picture than my real camera. I just downloaded the pictures off my phone, there were 315 from the last year, here are a few of them in no particular order.

Funny thing. 4 chocolate munchkins used to be enough to make this kid giddy - that was until Pap and Dahma came into town, they bought munchkins by the dozen for him. So now we have compromised - he gets 6. He goes right up to the counter (or drive thru) with his money and places the order.
What a fun afternoon. Sam and I were able to sneak in some Mommy/Sam time while Ali took a nap. We painted rocks and made a mess. We had fun. I can remember when I was a little girl my friend Crystal Slater and I would find rocks and paint them with nail polish, looking back I wonder what my mom thought about that. Who knows maybe I was not messy.
New hair bow - not too excited about it.
Look at that little afro ... will this little girl have curly hair?
Ali hanging in the hospital with mommy. Chubby Cheeks.

Sam and Mommy the morning I left to be induced with Alison.
Remember the post about the Easter Bunny and the Mall? This is a picture I took when Sam was terrified of the Bunny - Is that mean?
Sam and Dahma hanging out in the S&D clubhouse (Sam and Dahma Clubhouse that is).
What can I say this kid loves his ice cream. I think this was the day that Sam wanted to eat the come before he finished the ice cream. He learned quick that the ice cream does have to be eaten first. He hates having sticky hands.
Picnic lunch with Mommy at Taco Bell.
Riding the swings at Cortez Park. We are still trying to teach him how to pump his legs so he can swing on his own.
Look at how little he was here, this was only taken a year ago and he has changed so much. He loves to feed the ducks at the park when we visit Pap and Dahma in AZ.
Future underwear model.
He loved picnics on the back porch. Look at the blond hair, I wonder if he will ever be blond again?
Test driving before the big "JEEP" purchase.
I don't think I captured any photos of the early potty days on the "real" camera. How sweet is this little boy, when he was done pooping he would hold he 2 little fat fingers up and say "2 chocolate candies mommy" while he was shaking his head (as if he had to convince me). I love this little fat head.

I just figured out how to do video on my phone too. Technology is CRAZY and changing so fast.
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