So we are amidst the Christmas season, and what comes with the season by a million and one Christmas parties ... which by the way, I love. Sam has gotten his dose of parties and of course Santa Claus. You would think that he might get used to seeing the big chubby man in the red suit and big bulky white beard. Let's face it the Claus resembles his Pap quite a bit - and he loves his Pap. Here are a few pictures of the parties we have attended so far. As a reminder for myself especially, Sam had no issues with Santa last year when he was 8 months ... times change. The first party of the season was at school. I thought for sure Sam would be on board with seeing Santa at school with all of his friends. Check out his face with the man in the big red suit walked in.
He instantly looked for me, and his eyes said please don't make he get close to that guy. And of course I didn't. I figure he will let me know when he is ready. He is awfully cute when you ask him about Santa he says in a deep voice - HO HO HO!
We saw Santa again a week later and the Newcomers Party. Sam still a little reluctant to get too close but willing to wait in line to check him out. Again, we did not force him to get close - even though it may not look that way.
Dad gives it a try and all he said was Mommy and he would not look at Santa.
So Mommy jumps in. But, he still won't look at the Claus.
Dan had a good time with the kids at the party, he wrestled with them and got his but kicked by the toddlers.
Sam goes down for the count.
The latest party was next door, where the entire neighborhood got together to await the arrival of St. Nick. Michelle (the hostess), has older kids, she climbed up into the attic to pull out some of there old toys. The kids loved them.
Sadie, the latest Maplewood addition made a visit too. Sam loves her until she starts jumping and chewing on him and then he looks at me like get this thing off me ... in the picture above I have just told him to be gentle, this is him showing me how gentle he is.
Robbie entertained us at the piano. Let me tell you, there was never a dull moment. Priceless picture.
Having a snack with Jackson. Waiting for St. Nick to arrive.
Lisa and Zack being silly.
This is as close as we got to St. Nick at this party. Still wouldn't look at him. Sam was happy when he got a gift from St. Nick.
He got two pairs of jammies and a book. All the other kids got cool toys. Mom struck out on that one, this wasn't the time to choose to be practical. I'm BORING!
One of our favorite people Alana, she is the closest thing to "official babysitter" that we have. She is such a sweetie. St. Nick is her dad.
Just chillin, watching St. Nick pass out all the presents.
Maplewood Ladies in the HOUSE!!! Eww Eww!
Sam getting slap happy at the end of the night.
And his spent ... that is all the partying we have in us for now.
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!
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