What a great way to start a post. Isn't he just too cute! We were on our way to the pool at the Y and he was hanging out around the house with no shirt on and his
OSU (Go Bucks!) hat on.
So we were blessed with a visit from my mom. She took a red eye flight from Phoenix and when we picked her up early Wednesday morning she was a women with a plan. We started off with a visit to Dan's work and then we were off to the New England Aquarium.

Sam got a chance to check out where his dad works.

Checking out the high quality product that
Pangea Shellfish (
http://www.pangeashellfish.com/HOME/home.html) has to offer.

Before we headed off to the Aquarium we needed to re-fuel our systems. I asked my mom what she wanted to eat for lunch and she said "is there a good Mexican food place around here?" Let me remind you all that she just got off of a plane from Arizona. She is cool like that though - I think she was thinking of me and my absolute favorite food in the whole wide world is Mexican and we actually found a really great place.

Sam and Grandma had a great time dancing around at Quincy Market.

This kid is a flirt, even if it is with his Grandma.

Checking out the sea lions at the Aquarium. It is one of the cooler things to do at the Aquarium and its free to the general public.

Checking out all the

Sam really got relaxed and checked out the fish. This was his second time to the NE

Here comes the shark!

Up close and personal with the Harbor Seal.
Messin around.

These two have a blast with
each other! I don't know who gets more excited to see the other.

Sam plays with Abe and Zack.

Sam has become more aware of Luke these days. He
trys to jump on him and ride him like a pony.

Or tackles him.

Break down, can Grandma fix it?

Cookie Time! Sam got more frosting on him then on the cookies. We kept this cookies for the family (in case any of you were wondering). The frosting spoon spent more time in Sam's mouth than scooping out frosting.

He is a good boy when it comes to clean up too. He sees the project through till the end (most of the time.)

Later that night we took a bath and
realized it was the night before his first hair cut, so we wanted to document how long his hair actually was. If it weren't for the curls, he would have had it cut a long time ago.

Sam pee
pee'd in his potty for the first time when Grandma was here, so she went out and bought him big boy underwear.

I think he'd rather be naked.

Morning before the haircut! Can you see the resemblance?

Last picture before the cut! He is waiting patiently for his turn. November 15
th, 2009
Sams first haircut. I had a harder time then him. He looks like a different kid. It was so sad to see him transform from a baby to a kid. I cried.

The lady a the Snip Its acting like she'd never cut a little kids hair before, it was kind of annoying. I ended up holding the little guy.

Full on entertainment to get his mind off of the haircut!

Not so bad.

At the end Sam got a toy from the big machine. And he left a new kid!

Waiting for his celebratory
McDonalds Ice Cream.

What a big kid.

Big kid eating a big banana.

The day after the haircut, my mom and I took Sam to get his 18 months pictures at Sears.

He'd rather be cleaning the house that sitting in a waiting room at Sears for pictures. Me too, in a way. They really aren't speedy in the photo department.


Still waiting!

More waiting, so he is taking it out on Elmo and Cookie.

While we were gone Dan started looking at the directions for the train table Grandma and Pap bought Sam for Christmas, and during Sam's nap Dan put it together. Nice Job Dan!

And this is what he woke up to. Sam loved it. It was kind of sad to see all the work that went into putting it together, just to see Sam level it after 30 minutes. Bless Dan's heart, each night after Sam goes to bed, he puts it back together again. I wonder how long that will last?
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