Sam's 15 month stats. He saw Dr. Kennedy 7/31.
Weight: 28 lbs 12 oz (93%)
Height: 33 in (93%)
Head: 49.75
He is right on track for development. Dr. Kennedy is pleased. Sam got two more shots, he actually screamed this time. It must get harder the older you get. God knows I HATE shots. It was so sad to see him so upset. This is the first time he was more upset about the shots than I was.
Family 2013

Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
O-H-I-O ... vacation on the farm
Ok so I have to start off this post with a few numbers so when you see that this post goes on and on, you will have an idea of what I was working with. On our (what seemed quite short) vacation to OHIO at the end of July we took about 800 pictures, once I edited and deleted we ended up with about 550 .... in this post there are 114 pictures. We had such a great time visiting with friends and family. Anytime we visit OHIO it feels like we don't have enough time to see everybody. So many people so little time. Check out our vacation through pictures below.
Our first stop on the trip was at the McDonalds house (April, Casey, Cooper (2) and Owen (1)) in Columbus. They are living in France for the next two years, Casey took a job assignment with his employer Scotts Lawn. It was great to catch up with them while they were home on a visit. Sam had a great time playing with the boys. Who says boys can't play dress up - Super Sam loved wearing this cape around the house.
Check out Baby Owen's eyes.
We celebrated the little boys birthdays during this visit. Sam got 3 Dr. Seuss books and two really cool wooden cars from France (Cooper picked them out). In the picture about Owen is showing off the Red Sox hat Sam got him for his birthday.
3 little monkeys jumping in the bed.
April used to be a manager at one of he PF Changs in Columbus. At PF Changs is one of our favorite places to eat. So we got the STAR treatment for lunch.
Relaxation time!
The boys were drawn to the stairs.
Welcome to the farm. When we got to Grandma's house Sam explored the area.
He helped Grandma feed the chickens.
He played on the porch swing - just sitting and taking in the good ole country air.
This is what happens when you don't get your way.
It's a funny thing ... after Grandma and I walked down the lane to get the mail, Sam was able to find a piece that belong to him.

Chasing cats!
The next morning Sam helped Grandma in the garden, she should him the red potatoes and told us how we could grow our own. I would love to have a vegetable garden started by next spring.
Little bit of belly. Looks like this kid is on a mission.
Later that morning he helped the Brookharts with there chores. First he helped Aunt Heidi with the vacuuming - one of his favorite past times.
Then we headed out to the barn to check out all of the animals. Sam as taken back when he saw a real live cow for the first time ... not sure what to do. This is Frank the dairy steer.
This is Lola or Lulu one of the two baby goats.

We also visited Honey the horse.
After all that hard work in the barn ... Sam got a lift back to the house with his cousin Troy.
We took a walk to the neighbors house so Sam could check out the pigs.
Happy Troy Boy
Later that day, alot of the family gathered at Grandmas house for a BBQ and bonfire. My cousin
Tyler and his family came down from Michigan. Not sure why Sam is crying in the picture with Bryson (one of the 2008 babies), but it was too cute not to post.
The Sutherlands (Tyler, Marissa, and Bryson)
The boys hanging out with the chickens.
Enjoying a snack on the porch swing.
Three of the Four 2008 Babies. My brother is part of the 1980 babies along with my cousins Tyler and Derrick. Three of my cousins had babies last year, so we call them the 2008 babies. Bryson, Sam and Kaymi (missing is Devon, in FL).
Drew and Kaymi. Isn't she a sweetie?
Grandma poses with the 2008 great grand babies that were there and the grand kids they belong to. This was a touch photo to get with everyone happy.
Grandma poses with all the grand kids and great grand kids that were there that evening. There are a ton more. Grandma has 16 grand kids and 13 great grand kids total.
Having fun and grandma's house. Lot's of new stuff to check out.
The next day we headed to Uncle Larry's house for a BBQ and Hayride. We got there early so we took a walk to the school and played on the playground with our cousins.
Check out the slides they are putting on playgrounds these days - complicated?
The Joseph girls (Chelsea, Atlanta, and Bailey)
Wow, this is a new thing ... sliding through a tunnel. Sam had a ball.
Sam and Traiten climb up the slide.
Crazy Cousins - Megan, Atlanta, Jes, Baily, Chelsea and me.
Sam greet Aunt Amy when she arrives.
Bailey trys to get some love before she leaves. So many new faces, Sam just dosen't know what to do.
Sam plays ball with the girls.
What a big helper. Sam feeds Adrian (a friend of Atlanta), he does a good job.
Sam checks out Uncle Charlie ... are those goldfish crackers on you lap? If so, we will be buddies for life.
Yes, those were goldfish. You have made a friend for life.
Self portrait - Me, Mindi, Troy, Atlanta, and Chelsea
Having a good time with Dad at the BBQ.
Just flirting with all the ladies.

Hillbilly Hayride - or as Aunt Jen calls it a chairride.
Sam fell asleep at the end of the hayride. Uncle Jim held him by the bonfire for an hour, until his arm got tired.
Dan, Atlanta and me
Atlanta, me, Chelsea
The Mayer Family - Dave, Jes, and Mason

Aunt Amy always called me Muda - here we are with Jes ... she is the 2nd oldest grandaughter by 9 days - I used to always be so proud of that ... being older. Who's bragging now?
Sibling Rivalry - Jes and Megan
Happy couple - we had such a nice evening with the family.
Hillbilly teeth! We got some good laughs in. You can't help it with this crew. Someone is always doing something funny.

Grandma gives Sam a lesson in bating.
She doesn't give up.
You can see that Sam is headed towards the fire pit ... the place he was told to stay away from a few nights earlier. This is the adorable face we get when he is testing us.
Enjoying a snack on the porch.
No joke - Sam did this to himself. We looked in the backseat to check and him and this is what we got.
Uncle Jim gave Sam a pair of crazy sunglasses, he loved them and sported them for a while that day. Since we have been home he will find them and have me help him put them on him ... he can be so goofy he cracks himself up.
Modeling the new glasses.
Soaking in some OHIO sun with Aunt Amy and Uncle Jim.
Ivy Hope and Tootz
Sam thinks horses are cool.

Uncle Larry get out "Doopey" the donkey
Sam meets Dalia the Goat
Big Kid - Mason

Sam made himself right at home in Aunt Heidi's cabnets. He loved playing with Mindi.
Levi and Hilary

Some of the ladies in our "little family" Chelsea Rae, Hilary (little man Levi), Aunt Heidi, me, and Mindi.
The girls fed Sam whip cream while I was doing something else ... looks like he liked it.
A very long day in the country ... Uncle Tom did a nice job getting Sam to sleep. Sam fought every step of the way, but I think Uncle Tom's singing did the trick - Thanks Uncle Tom!
I'm telling you, this kid is not going to know what to do with himself when he gets home and there arn't any wagons to play in.
Self Portrait - how cute.
Good manners Sam! Cleaning up before we leave.
I know a little guy that is getting tired. We tried to plan on leaving Waynesfield at Sam's nap time. It looks like we are running a little late.
Can you call this a 3 generation picture if my mom is missing? Anyway ... Sam, me and Grandma.
Grandma and giggly Sam
Chelsea Rae and Sam snuggle one last time before we head out.
What a great visit with Grandma. We are trying to get her to come back out to visit us in Hanover.
We stopped to see Grandpa on our way out of town. I was sad that Sam was asleep for our brief visit. I was sure to tell Grandpa all about our little guy who shares his name.
We ate dinner with Nan, Alyssa and Kenzie on their back porch. Dinner was awesome. Sam was cracking us all up!
Nan, me and Kenzie. Alyssa was there earlier but had to leave to study for a test.
The next day (our last day in town) we hung out with the McDonald clan again. We went to a local park and let the boys play on the jungle gym together. No I am not pushing him down the slide. It's a bad angle.
After we played we ate lunch at one of our favorite places - Pei Wei.

Tyler and his family came down from Michigan. Not sure why Sam is crying in the picture with Bryson (one of the 2008 babies), but it was too cute not to post.

We left Waynesfield after lunch and headed to Columbus to see the Taylor Family.

We had so much fun on vacation. But if I am being honest, it was EXHAUSTING!!! I almost immediatly through the whole "routine" thing out the window when we arrived in OHIO and Sam was AWESOME ... he adapted really well. He met so many new people over the course of the trip and while he was reluctant to be super friendly with everyone he took it all in strides and was in good spirits most of the time. I think he was starting to get used to the late nights and sleeping in ... and we all know that can't happen when we get back home. So we are working to get him back into his little routine. We can't wait to see the family again soon! Dan and I love that we have so much family. It is cool when you are amongst so many people that are connected to you and your child.
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