Alison Joy Light you were baptized on September 4, 2011. Some very special people were there to witness this special day with you. Pap and Dahma came from Arizona, your Uncle Jay. T and Corinne came from Virginia and your Godmother Rae Rae came from Florida. Of course Grandma and Grandpa came up from the Cape too. We had such a great day celebrating you. You were such a sweet girl during the services, it really pooped you out. After you were baptized you passed out ... it must be hard work being such a sweet baby girl.

What a big day you had on Sunday September 4th, 2011! You were not only baptized in front of your church congregation but also your family who were
more than happy to drive and fly from far away just to be a part of your special day. Your mommy said you were up extra early on Sunday morning because
you knew you had a special day ahead of you, you were going to be baptized. You wore a beautiful white dress and your daddy held you while the preacher
asked your mommy, daddy and me questions. You were so good and laughed when the preacher held you up and prayed. We all thanked God for
you and vowed to love you and to help you grow into the beautiful young lady I know you will be. After church we had lunch and a cake to celebrate! It was a
great weekend and we have you to thank for bringing our family together.
I love you Alison and you will always be very special to me. All though we are miles apart, you are always close to my heart. Hugs & Kisses, Rae Rae

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