You had your first day at day care, you are doing so good and have lots of little friends at school, the teachers just love you (that doesn't surprise me). You are doing great with the bottle, but having a tough time napping. I suppose your mommy has spoiled you a bit with nursing and holding you while you nap - but you are adapting well. I think you are going to be a social little girl, and that is why you don't nap at school - too much going on and you don't want to miss a thing. Mommy went back to work. This meant that you needed to start sleeping in your crib, I was nervous about that, but Daddy had faith and you did great. We laid you down to sleep (not in your carseat) and you slept. Sleeping is another thing, you haven't been consistent ... most nights you are up every 2 - 3 hours, but every few nights you will go for 5. Mommy loves it when you sleep for longer stretches. I love you baby girl, but it is no fun hanging out with you in the middle of the night when you are sleeping, I do admit I love the quiet time with you when I can soak you in - I know this won't last long. I LOVE our quiet time together and now that I am back to work we don't get a lot of that.
Ali Joy, every time I look at you (every single time - I mean that) it brings a smile to my face. You are just so happy no matter what the situation is and I hope you carry that sweet little attitude with you forever. I know it has been three months, but there are still days that I look at you and can't believe you are MINE, I truly have been blessed to have you in my life. You are getting more expressive and we can talk forever - you are a talker! You definitely have a poop face, and this may sound funny but it is one of my favorite faces you make - your nostrils flare out and you hold your breath. My other favorite face is when you first wake up - the first thing you so is SMILE (seriously) and then you wrinkle up your entire face before you start this stretching episode that can last for 2 minutes - just a little dramatic.
I love you Baby Girl! Happy 3 Months.
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