Yeah Sunshine! I really felt like I could use some. I think we all could use some! Arizona is the place to get it. We spent a week with Dahma Daw and Pap. Sam did a great job flying, I hate jinx us, but he gets better flying with every trip we take. Way to go Sam. It was nice to travel with Dan too!

This Grandma (
Dahma Daw) is really hoping Baby Light #2 is a Girl. For now, she enjoys playing dress up with Sam. I don't think he minds either. He knows where she keeps all the jewelery in her closet. He got into the first morning we were in town. That's my boy!

So these pictures aren't exactly in order.
So my mom and I took Sam to the park to ride the train and then went to the outlet mall to kill some time while Dan and my Dad were working.

Sam had a good time playing in the fountain, he took his shirt off the second it got any water on it, and I am sure he would of taken his pants off too if we would have let him. He loves the sunshine.
Dahma bought him a pair of sunglasses.

Cool dude .... just pure excitement to be outdoors and not couped up inside.

La La La La!

My mom brought along a tricycle to the park so Sam could ride around after our train ride. Good idea
Dahma. My mom ran around with him on the basketball courts. They adore
each other, it is so nice to hear them both laugh until they are out of breath.

Serious Boy.

Sweet Boy.

Angel Boy.

Getting ready to go on the train ride.

Playing dress up!

Riding the "motorcycle"

We all spent the afternoon at West Town. We had a delicious lunch at "My Big Fat Greek
Restaurant" and then headed over to the fountains and drank Iced Coffee. Sam had a ball. He got drenched and so did
Dahma (she is a sucker), we could strip him down,
Dahma had to wear wet clothes. ***Note to self, keep a swim suit and beach
towel in the car
where ever we go when we visit Arizona. No matter what time of year it is.

The boys look on and soak up some Arizona sunshine.

Best Buds ... even though when you ask Sam "Is
Dahma your buddy, he says no she is my
Dahma Daw"


interrupts with a few rules for the fountain ... he was begging to take his clothes off at this point and I wouldn't allow it! Not until we left.

Moms can be fun, just not has fun as Grandma's.
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