My Christmas gift to Dan this year was a trip to Las Vegas! It is the first time Dan and I have left Sam overnight. We tried to do it last year around the same time, but we didn't think about it until it was too late (well too late to get good deals, and we survive on good deals these days - who am I kidding - ALWAYS.) Anyway, I started planning months before Christmas and surprised Dan on Christmas morning with a treasure hunt that lead him to a get away with me to Vegas. So we flew with Sam into Arizona a day earlier than expected with Sam (due to a bad storm in Boston), we had a day and 1/2 in Phoenix with Sam and my parents and then took an early flight to Vegas on Thursday and stayed until Saturday.
Dahma and Pap had the days filled with activities to do with Sam ... so see what happens when mom and dad are away for a few days.

They all went to the Phoenix Zoo. Sam and
Dahma get lessons on how to feed the

Look at that tongue.

Sam gives it a shot.

Bonding with the monkeys. Sam gets up close.

Sam doesn't look to sure of the petting zoo.

Warming up ...

Brushing the goats.

Milking fake cows ...

Riding the tractor ....

It's all in a days work, time for a rest.

Crazy time when they get home. Being silly is his favorite thing to do. Especially when he has a captive audience.

The next day, they all head down to the park to do some fishing.

Nothing was biting. They still had a nice time.

Get home to help water the plants.

Later that night, they had some friends over for
smores and a bonfire in the backyard.

Sam has recently become more intrigued by people and no matter where we are he wants to know who people are. He met 2 new friends that night and told us all about them when we got back.
Dahma let's Sam take 30 - 45 minute baths, she always has the coolest stuff to play with in the tub. That night he was making goat-tees like the goats at the zoo.

So here is the disclaimer ... I was 28 weeks pregnant and feeling like I'd been pregnant for 10 years. I just developed a rash on my arms, legs and belly and was fairly uncomfortable. Did I mention I still have 12 weeks left of this. I was a good sport, a good sport that was
thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day.

We stayed at Monte Carlo! Great location on the strip.

We went to 2 shows while we were there
Ka! (Cirque De
Soleil) and to a hypnotist show the next night.

Chocolate Fountain - you can see where my head was.

Cleaned up and ready for dinner and a show. At this point we had been in Vegas for 12 hours and hadn't yet gambled 1 penny.

The next day Dan woke up feeling really sick. So we laid around until noon. No complaints here. He felt pretty crappy that day, but did his best to get out and have a good time. We made it! Not ideal, but we made it.

Fake it till you make it!

We both had smiles on our faces, but this is how we really felt.
Jamba Juice loaded with all kinds of good vitamins - I think?

That night we put about $10 into the quarter slots and I hit it big with $40. Yes we took our winnings and left.

I wish I could say that "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" not true in this case, my rash got worse every day we got back to Arizona and Dan was laid up with a cold for the next two days. However, it was nice to get away for a few days and reconnect with Dan without a little guy saying "
TOOOZME". Pretty soon we will have 2 little ones that will need our attention.