What a blast! We had such a nice weekend. It started off with a "bumpy" start, Sam is on a falling kick these days. When he starts falling like that it is a sign that his shoes are getting too small. Not sure that was the case this time. I was at the gym on Saturday morning and when I got home Sam had a GASH on the left side of the his head, he missed the stairs going outside earlier that morning - apparently it looks much worse that is was (says Dan) just a little bit of crying. Shortly after I got home, Dan and Sam were playing around in Sam's bedroom and Sam took a diver onto his changing table, this was much worse that the fall an hour or so ealier, it too left a pretty nice mark. See the picture below.

Left side of the foreheaed and dead center - OUCH! It totally hurt me worse then him, I was so scared when he went down on the changing table. He is a tough little monkey.

Later that day we went into Boston for the day. We took Sam to this fountain that kids splah around in - he had a blast. Make sure to check out the video at the end of the post.
Hanging back for a while - just checking out the scene before he jumps in. There were a ton of kids there ... it was a beautiful warm day.

Sam wasn't the only one who had a fun time. Dan and I are just amazed at how quickly our little guy is growing up. It is awesome to see him grow and develop more and more each day.

He still not too big to hold his mom's hand, sometimes there is more coaxing than others.

Sam made a new friend. He makes friends whereever he goes. This little boy, his name was Luke, wasn't to sure of Sam. Luke didn't like sharing his toys - I can't wait til Sam gets to that phase.

Taking a break.

Replenishing his thirst ...

and mom's too.

He had a blast! He really loved getting wet. I was happy to see him have such a good day, after having such a clumsy morning.

Getting ready to head out.

The fun didn't stop, we all played around at home when we got home.

Dan found some remote control cars, Sam isn't too sure how to work them, he loves to carry around the controller.

Building a castle for mom.
Great times - Awesome weekend.
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