My brother came to visit last weekend. We had such a nice time. He got in on Saturday morning and we went out to breakfast ... it wasn't your typical "let's catch up and chat" kind of breakfast that Jay. T is used to. We spent the breakfast entertaining, feeding and laughing at Sam. What a great introduction. While we were waiting for our table, Sam reached out for his Uncle
JBone, this is not typical of Sam, especially if his mom is holding him. Instant Bond with his Uncle. It was nice to spend some time with my brother while Dan kept an eye on Sam on Saturday afternoon. We spent most of Sunday hunkered down and out of the snow watching two very good football games ... Go Cardinals - Jay. T would say Go
Steelers. It will be a good Super Bowl this year. Monday Sam, Jay.T and I went to
Ikea, it was Jay. T's first time. We bought a toy storage shelf for Sam (Sam's Christmas gift from his Uncle) and Uncle
JBone put it together before he left on Monday night. We had such a great visit and can't wait to see him again soon.

Peek a Boo!

Instant Bonding
Even his Uncle JBone can't resist those chunky monkey thighs

Go Navy!!!