So, a week before Samuel was born I thought I strained a ligament in my groin and Dr. Keough confirmed that at my last OB visit. I understood that I may have some recovery time for the the strained ligament after Sam was born, but no biggie, I would live through it. Well Monday afternoon Dan, Sam, Luke and I set off on a beautiful walk in the neighborhood. We made it half way through the walk when I got a piercing pain in the groin ... thinking this was just the strained ligament. I could not move, so Dan and Luke had to run home and get the truck to come pick up Sam and I. I made a doctors appointment to see what the issue was and got in at 11am on Tuesday morning. Come to find out I have a craked pelvis and will be on crutches for 4-6 weeks. What a bummer! I have had a hard time dealing with this - the thoughts of being a new excited, happy mom and not being able to get around like I'd like has really been tough. Dan has been able to take time off and has really been a trooper running back and forth for me and Sam. We make such a great team! My mom will be here on Tuesday 5/13 so she will be a lot of help once Dan gets back to work. It's NOT fun to be a new mom on crutches or in a wheelchair.
Family 2013

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Samuel Klune Light Birthing Story

Well it all started on Friday April 25th. I had my last ultrasound appointment at South Shore Hospital where they have keep a close eye on my amniotic fluids. My fluid had been great up until Friday, so Dr. Achilles admitted me to the hospital that morning, at that time I wasn't aware of all the waiting I would have ahead of me. That evening at 6pm I got my first dose of cervadil. At 8am Saturday morning they started Pitocin. I had what I thought were some pretty decent contractions though out the day and very regular - but no dilation I maintained a solid 1 cm all day. Dan and I watched a lot of movies and did a lot of walking the halls, just waiting for something to happen - anything! Well the day came and went and I was still only 1 cm dilated. Very discouraging. I went to bed that evening with my 2nd round of cevadil and woke up the next morning - now Sunday, with Pitocin. Absolutely nothing was going on until Dr. Kotch (Dr. on duty/we loved her), checked my cervix with the intention to break my water ... no success and still only 1cm dilated at 12:30pm on Sunday - frustration had clearly set in at this point, by 12:44 I was starting to have contractions and let me tell you with every contraction the pain got worse ... I breathed though the intense pain and tried to be a tough girl when they offered something for the pain. After having hard contractions for 45 minutes I decided the epidural would be helpful if I planned on leaving the hospital with any hair left on my head ... so within 5 minutes after the decision (2pm) I was lying on my side in the labor bed receiving the best pain medicine I have every had in my life ... I was feeling much better and that point and was able to get some rest. Contractions came and went and with them so did more of the epidural. I was able to start pushing in the 8pm hour. Hard work! I had an awesome coach (Dan) and a wonderful nurse (Carolyn) they helped me get through it and were great cheerleaders. Anyway Sam decided to join us at 9:41pm ... this time will go down in history for the happiest moment of my life. He did good throughout the labor, he was strong and had a great heartbeat, but at the last minute his umbilical cord got wrapped around his neck - Dad had to clip it quickly. He was fine, just a little stunned. So were we. He weighed in at 7lbs. and 1oz and was 20 1/4 inches long and as beautiful as babies come.
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