What a beautiful place! We spent a week in up state New York at Cayuga Lake with Dan's parents, cousins, and aunt and uncle. Dan has very fond memories of "the lake" from his childhood. His family would spend a couple of weeks on Seneca Lake (near by). He grew up spending time with his cousins on the lake. Chris found a great rental last year and we started planning. We all had a great time. Check out all of the pictures! I wish they were in better order so it could tell a better story, but here is what we've got, I have added some commentary.

Dan has noodle wars with the kids.

Some of the guys pow wow around the computer ... can't leave home without it.

There were a few windy days, Greg and Don try to ride the kayaks through the waves.

Greg and Emma make it back in, in one piece.

Not sure what was going on here, but it was too cute not to post. Look closely and it looks like he has a nutter butter in his hand.

Sam helps Grandpa set the table for dinner.

Unfortunately, I was not feeling the greatest that week, so I was pretty low key.

Christel agrees that
blonde's are more fun!

Just hanging around, trying to get motivated to start the day.

Sam and Max getting creative with the

Christel joins in on the fun.

Chris takes a morning swim. Chris and his brother Greg had a few swim races throughout the week. Just like the good ole days.

Greg is on daycare duty on the dock.

It took Peter way to long to get used to the water, so we all had to tease him a little. Way to go Peter, happy to see you made it in -

Don is soaking up the sun! The dock was wonderful, I think we all spent most of our time down on the dock.

Having fun with Dad. Sam has been doing so good in the swimming pool. But, there was NO WAY he was going in the Lake, I thought for sure he was going in a few times, but at the last minute he decided not too. Maybe next year.

Most of the crew rallies up for lunch on the deck.

Family photo opportunity.

Some of us got a kick out of being towed by the kayaks. Don and Dan race down the Lake with people in tow. I think we called it a tie. What a workout.

Dan and Sam get in a few giggles before dinner.

One of the days we were there, Greg gave us a tour of Ithaca. We stopped at a family favorite ice cream parlor - "Purity" This ice cream is wonderful, we had it every day. The servings were HUGE as you can see.

This kid wasn't giving up.

Walking the dog. Emma was a good sport.

There was a bonfire down by the water. We actually only used it one night, but it was fun to make
Smores before the kids went to bed.

roadtrip to Cayuga Lake was 7 hours in the car. Sam did very well. I have to admit I was a bit nervous starting the journey, I pack a bag full of goodies. Like his usually self he pleasantly surprised us. He did great on the
roadtrip. In this picture he is watching a movie on a portable DVD player that we borrowed, he loved it for 15
mins or so and then he wanted to play with the buttons and such ... so we had to put it away.

Surprising enough we only had to stop a couple of time for a Sam potty break, I swear this kid has a bladder of steal.

Dan drove some of us ladies around Seneca Falls for some sightseeing. He was also kind enough to be the photographer too.
MMMMM .... Taco Bell. Yes, we found one! It was Yummy!

Tired boy ... but what a view. It really was so peaceful in the evening.

Emma - ready to battle the waves.

What are they up to?

Max being silly.

I would love to know what these two were talking about.

Greg made us all "
Daddys Special" for dessert! Yes, that is Purity Ice Cream.

A snack and a few laughs ... the peaches were wonderful.

The kids help Don shuck the corn on the cob - another
tasty local treat.

We had multiple chefs that week ... and we had
DELICIOUS food every night for dinner.

And we can't forget dessert. The boys whip up shakes for the clan.

Look at those baby blues ... how could you deny that?

Taking a break!

Going exploring on a calm morning.


The day we were in Ithaca, we stopped by the cemetary to visit Dan's Grandma and Grandpa and some other relatives. Klune is where Sam gets his middle name. It was nice to see the graves.

The boys lead us on a hike behind Mama and Papa's house (Dan's aunt and uncle).

Dan's Aunt Jaqueline shows/breeds Newfoundlands ... AW, they are so cute ... and BIG.

Dan gets a warm welcome.

What a sweetie.

Ithaca Falls .... Dan takes some video footage. This place is breathtaking.

Don has his hands full.

Ithaca is GORGES.

The little boys do some exploring.

Not sure why we are squatting down, but whatever!

So sweet!

When it came time to take a look at the Gorges on the suspended bridge, I decided I'd seen enough ... I got a little queasy.

Emma did such a great job with the little boys.

The boys!

Taking a snooze on our way back to the house ... Emma was pooped.

The little boys decide to check out the water after we got home.

You can see they didn't get far.

We were entertained in the evenings by Chris. He is such a talented musician.

More pictures from the BONFIRE ... the ladies take a seat away from the fire and observe.
Lake Cayuga was a BLAST! We look forward to reuniting with family there for many years.
Thank you to all for putting it together and making it so memorable.