As I have probably mentioned in an earlier post, Sam would rather play with things he probably shouldn't rather than his toys ... the remote control and phones are he favorite. At first I was very insistent that he should not play with them because they were not toys ... but like a lot of other things/ideas I have had about how to raise Sam the "right" way - I threw it out the window. In theory it is probably a good idea for him to NOT play with those type of non toy items, but after realizing that he really wasn't hurting anything ... I gave up trying to stop him. To be honest, now that he is allowed to explore them - he isn't as interested.

Your pointing it the wrong way.

Sam started to crawl Jan. 7th and since that day he has been pulling himself up. He can navigate himself throughout the living room.

Mr. Independent. He is starting to like to do some things - let me repeat "some" things on his own. How cute is that little bum.
All of the crawling/cruising he has been doing has wiped him out at the end of the day. He fell asleep at the dinner table - in the middle of eating, dessert, none the less.
He has 4 teeth now and it seems that he will be teething for a while now, we can already see 4 more teeth coming in on top. With the agony of teething he is still sleeping through the night. He goes down at 7pm and sleeps through until 6am.