Family 2013

Family 2013

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy 4 months to our little lady

I am including some pictures of Ali over the last month or so. So she is between 2 - 4 months.

Getting in her daily exercises. Just like her Daddy.

Drama queen - cerntainly NOT like her Mommy.

Practicing - Determination.

4th of July outfit ... first outfit borrowed from a girlfriend.

Chub a Wub!

Hey little lady - that's what we have been calling you lately, not sure how it came about. From the time you were born I knew you would keep us on our toes, you have always been so alert and you can tell by your BIG BIGHT BLUE eyes. Well in the last month you have really started to MOVE. You are all over the place ... rolling, scooting and somewhat crawling. We can lay you down on the middle of your big "I love Grandma" blanket (courtesy of your Great Grandma Sutherland) and within minutes/sometimes seconds you have wiggled your way off of it. You are a busy little girl and already on the move. This is little frightening for Daddy and I, especially if you continue to progress at this rate. Slow down Girl!

At your 4 month check up you weighed it at 14 lbs and are 25 1/2 inches long. My little string bean.

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