Family 2013

Family 2013

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Getting ACTIVE this summer

So this is the first summer that Sam has been involved in "organized" activities. He has been doing Gymnastics at the YMCA on Wednesday mornings and playing T-ball on Tuesday and Thursdays through the Parks and Rec department in town. He has really enjoyed both. We have been BUSY.

This summer we enrolled Sam in Gymnastics (Rollers Class) at the YMCA. When my parents were here this Spring, we went to see Dan play basketball at the YMCA, and Sam was in AHH of the gymnastics room, and told us he wanted to do gymnastics. So his Dahma sent him the money to enroll in the class this summer. He gets excited every Wednesday morning to go to "nastics" with his buddy Brendan. Here are some photos from his first class along with a few videos at the bottom of the post.

The coaches at the YMCA are so good with the kids. The boys were a little reluctant to get started the first day.


The first obstacle course.

Donkey kicks.

Kitty Cat with a tale.

We also signed Sam up for T-ball on Tuesday and Thursday evenings with the Park and Rec department. He had a ball.

Running the bases.

Listening to Coach Kim.

I like this picture because of the little boy in front of Sam that is doing a push up.

Waiting patiently for his turn to bat.

Sam and Brendan

Batter up ... Sam always hits the stand too. We need to work on that.

Sam's cheerleaders ... S S S A M U U U E L - S A M U E L - Samuel!

Coach Kim has the kids chase her at each practice, it is such a HOOT. Check out the video at the bottom of the post.

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