Family 2013

Family 2013

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation in White Mountains

We took a mini vacation (or as Sam would say "CATION") to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. What a beautiful place. Dan works with a girl that has a house there and we were able to stay in the cabin for a long weekend. Our main goal for the vacation was to take the kids (mainly Sam) to Storyland. Both kids did great on the drive there, about 3 hours. We had a nice time together.

It was a bit rainy the first day, but cleared up and was beautiful for our outing to Storyland.

We found an ice cream stand on the side of the highway on our way back to the cabin. We found a Super Walmart.

Turtle crossing.

It is so cute ... this is what Sam called "CATION". Whenever we would leave the cabin, he would ask if we would be coming back to CATION.
The White Mountains were absolutely breathtaking, I can't wait to go back when the kids are older to do some more exploring.

So you may notice that there are NO pictures from Storyland posted here. Well, the camera died the second we entered the park. So all of our pictures were taken on the cell phone, so I will post the pictures later, after I have downloaded. We were so bummed.

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