Family 2013

Family 2013

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Catching up with the other Lights!

It is hard being so far away from my family, with my parents in Arizona, brother in Virginia Beach and majority of the rest in Ohio. It would be nice to have the closer, especially now that we have kids. But, we are very lucky to have Dan's parents so close on the Cape and his brother family just outside of Boston. Here are some recent pictures from the last couple of visits.

Asher and Sam had a ton of fun doing an indoor "Birthday" Egg Hunt.
Uncle Jeff spends some quality time with Alison.
Grandma and Bohdi get a chuckle.
Asher gives Sam so advice on being a big brother. Super Bohdi

Alison enjoys a catnap.

Grandma and Grandpa got Sam felt Easter eggs and cookie cutter design set for Easter. Grandpa helps Sam decorate the dining room with the felt eggs.

Building and airplane with grandpa.

Sam was excited to check out his cookie cutter set. What fun!

Grandma snuggles with Ali Joy. Another proud Grandma.

We are truly blessed to have the families that we do. Near and Far, I don't know what we would do without them.

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