Family 2013

Family 2013

Friday, March 4, 2011

One month til the DUE DATE - Squeezing in the FUN!

I feel like I have been nesting for the last 3 months, I swear this is the pregnancy that will not end. But, we have been trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible these days to0. Check out some of the fun things we have done in the last couple of weeks.
Our favorite girls came over the other day to ride bikes in the cul-de-sac. Boy did we have some good laughs. You know what that say about women drivers.
Sam rode his bike while the girls had fun in his jeep. They all did so well taking turns.
Watch where you are going Miss. Kate!
This little face is priceless ... Ava loved riding the jeep into the frozen snow banks, she gave everyone a good laugh.
So much fun together!
Jen and I took all the kids my Sammy and her 3, Ava, Katie and Ryan to the Science Museum on Presidents Day! Once we got there we decided we were totally insane to make the trip on a holiday. The place was a MAD HOUSE. The kids had fun though.
Teeter Totter!
On a mission to MARS.
The kids climbing where they shouldn't be. Jen attempts to get all the kids down. I was pretty useless, so I just took pictures.
For good ole Valentines Day I bought the boys and myself tickets to see Toy Story on Ice. We had a fun day together. Dan and I realized how cheap we are when we got to the show. I thought enough to bring a backpack of snacks and Sam's Buzz and Woody dolls he got from Dahma for Christmas - All I can say is LIFESAVER. It is silly how much things cost at these events. Sam didn't know any different, not yet at least.
We didn't pack snacks for Daddy, so he stuffs down pizza before the show.
Waiting for the show.
He couldn't wait to see Buzz and Woody.

It was a fun day. Sam did great up until intermission and then it was touch and go after that. It was also nap time. Once we got him to the car and out of the garage he slept the whole way home. Happy Valentines Day Boys!

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