We spent this Christmas with the Light family on the Cape. Greg, Kathrin and the kids came from Philly too. We had a great holiday with the family.
Christmas Family photo 2009
This was like the 14th of 31 pictures we took in this exact position, attempting to get the perfect shot. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Sam put on the charm during the photo session. I can't believe how hard it is to get all three of us looking at the same camera, and keeping our eyes open at the same time. Hard stuff!!!
This was like the 14th of 31 pictures we took in this exact position, attempting to get the perfect shot. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Sam put on the charm during the photo session. I can't believe how hard it is to get all three of us looking at the same camera, and keeping our eyes open at the same time. Hard stuff!!!
Dan, Sam and I went to church on Christmas eve. There is a great Baptist church we go to in Brewster. Great service. Sam and Asher hanging out before dinner is served.
Aunt Jen is entertaining the kids before the presents get torn into.
Sam and Max wait patiently?
Next year, Asher will be a big brother.
A picture is worth a thousand words ... what was on my mind? We were opening up our stockings. Who knows. All I can say is, that looks a lot like Joy McGraw. Funny how that happens :) I love you mom.
Lots of goodies in our stockings.
A very cute, farely new thing Sam has been doing lately is cheesing it up for the camera, when he sees a camera pop out he starts saying "chz" over and over again, looks like he got caught in the act.
Crazy boys!
Greg and Max tearing into the Christmas presents.
Emma presents a special gift to her mom (Kathrin).
Mass chaos this year. Presents everywhere. Being the control freak of mom that I am, I made Sam put his toys in a box right after he opened them. This part of the day went way to fast.
Daddy's turn to open some presents.
Uncle Jeff and the boys. Sam really does have a thing for both of his uncles.
Note to self: Next year wrap up boxes of styrofoam. Biggest bag for my buck. Sam loved making a mess after all the presents were open. I hate to say it, but he had more fun playing with a box of styrofoam than he did with any of his real presents.
Uh-oh ... I've made a mess and I am too little to have to clean it up. What are moms for anyway?
Seriously, is someone going to come clean up this mess. In case you didn't know it, Sam has a small issue with messes already. He likes to make them, but when he is done he wants it cleaned up immediately.
Quiet time with Papa.
Time to sing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus. Sam was excited for the impromptu party we had for afternoon snack.
Craft time, the kids played with PlayDoh while dinner was being made. Sam went home with a modge podge of multi colored PlayDoh. Pretty colors.